Beijing and ICPR have been a very exciting and exhausting travel. It had a huge effect on me so one post will be not enough to explain how I feel now personally and professionally. So I’ll try to split my experience into two posts. This one for the professional grown and the apportion of this conference in my career. A future one with the personal experiences that have had a big and deep impact on me.
It was my first conference and it was a huge one! In the beginning, I felt lost and out of place. The Deep Learning legions were invading the full land and I simply felt far from them. I meet a lot of interesting people who have the kindness of explaining to me their work and search for common points with mine. It was like a big spider web building up in front of my eyes.
Then, I discover that all of us were connected, none of our works are incompatible if you put enough effort to find how to fit it. In the end, we are all scientists doing science. What is more beautiful and powerful than that?

Monday 20th
I was a volunteer in a tutorial called Human identification at a distance by gait and face analysis. It was awesome how they managed to achieve human identification with really low-resolution images. Here I let you the slides. I was the only occidental sample with different face type and different hairstyle. It recognized my way of moving even when I wear a huge coat hiding the top part of my legs and all my core.
Tuesday 21st
On Tuesday I was not interested in any topic in specific so I jumped between different talks and had finally an occidental dinner at ICPR welcome reception (I love Chinese food but I got tired of the same food after few days). In the future days I’ll try to make a short review of the interesting talks I assisted.
Wednesday 22nd
Wednesday was the most exciting day, I had the opportunity to attend the Maria Petrou Prize speech, Rita Cucchiara who is a great researcher and a very inspiring woman for us all of those women starting in this world. After her, Long Quan talked about the challenges of 3D reconstruction with … Deep Learning! After that, I tried to split myself and attend some of the talks of the Low-Level Vision and some of the medical image analysis.
I had my poster that afternoon and Oh My Good! In the beginning, I was scared nobody would attend since is anything related to Deep Learning but, I had a long queue of people waiting to explain the poster, I enjoyed too much explaining the poster to all of them and make new contacts and even opening new paths for collaborations. If you want to see my work, paper draft, poster and video please click here!

Thursday 23rd
Thursday was also a great day, I attend the talk on Face Biometrics and learn a lot about things related to my topic. Also, another oral session related to manifold learning. This day we had the Banquet, it was a great place to make new contacts and have a lot of fun with conference friends.

Friday 24th
Friday was a day for farewell and to make serious some contacts and to get ideas for collaborations. Now is the time to work hard, and, if we do it well, to see you all in Milan 2020!

P.D: And as ever, I like to put music to all the situations in my life. The song I’ve chosen for this experience is Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers and Coldplay, enjoy!

After I realized that I never would be winning an Olympic gold in the 200m butterfly, I spend many years thinking about what to do in life, researching which path should I follow to accomplish my life goals that were on reach. So, it’s not surprising that after many efforts in this research I became a researcher. First a news researcher (or call it journalist if you prefer) and later a scientific researcher.
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